Friday, January 29, 2010

2010 Goals

So I realize that January is the month for resolutions. We've actually been working on these resolutions since then. I thought it would be nice to have them written out to refer back to throughout the year. So far we've been doing pretty well with the personal goals. We haven't completed any of the home goals yet.

1. Eat 1 vegetarian meal a week.
2. Eat 1 fish meal a week - which works out well with Lent starting soon.
3. Take two 30 minute walks a week together. The first one on the first day I'm off of work.
4. I will exercise 1-2 a week extra on my days off by taking a yoga class, walking, running up and down our stairs, or an exercise video (Grace only).
5. I will lose 5-10 pounds (Grace only).

1. Finish the atrium - finish the fountain and plant flowers.
2. Finish unpacking.
3. Set up our office.
4. Set up the laundry room.
5. Set up a cleaning schedule.

Around June, if I remember, we'll check back on our goals and see how we're doing.

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