Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby Update

I had a doctor's appointment last Friday. Here are the stats: 

Weeks pregnant: 26 weeks and 5 days
Blood pressure: 127/74 (a little high for me, but still within normal ranges)
Weight: 141 (total of 23lbs) 
Fundal height: 25
Baby's heart rate: 128 (as the baby gets bigger her heart rate gets slower)
Baby movement: Pretty much throughout the entire day, especially after meals and when i'm just relaxing. 

 New things I've noticed: I have to sit up straight otherwise I start to feel very uncomfortable; I feel fuller longer (though you wouldn't guess that from my weight); I have more difficulty bending down the pick things up; I forget how big my belly is and don't open doors wide enough or underestimate spaces I can fit into (especially at work)

 Like my linea negra?


  1. Awww Grace! You are such a lovely pregnant lady! Your belly really is getting big! So exciting!

  2. You look great! Hooray for being 26 weeks. I totally know what you mean about not realizing what you can or usually cannot fit into. I have bumped strangers in stores, knocked things off shelves and been stuck...and this is my second time. haha.

    Hope you are feeling good!
